Sunday, August 8, 2010

We just got back from 5 days of camping 2 hours ago. I managed to stay on track with my eating plan (sorta, if you consider dutch oven cherry cobbler a serving of fruit.) I hiked several times. One of the hikes was about 3 hours long with my 5 year old in tow. My second hike was 5 hours long with my husband. We hiked to the top of Mt. Belnap in Beaver, Utah. Over 13,000 feet above sea level. It was sooo fun and we even got caught in the middle of a hail storm. Such fun. I have decided I am going to hike more often. Such good cardio and a total body work out (when you are climbing on all fours!)


Moi said...

That is awesome. Sounds like a wonderful time.

Karilynn said...

LOVE IT!! There is a really fun shortish hike up American fork canyon.. almost to sundance called "stewart falls" I THINK!! We love it! Also.. hike to the "Y" it kicks your booty!